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Solving The Top Challenges in 6-Figure Businesses: The Power of Strategic Leadership

Solving the Top Challenges in 6-Figure Businesses: The Power of Strategic Leadership

I speak to business owners daily about the things they find most difficult when running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations, I have come to know two things to be very true:

1. All 6-figure + businesses experience similar challenges

2. Many of these common challenges can be addressed with one strategic decision

Business Challenge #1

“I spend way too much time managing the team and don't have time to create content.”

Solution: A leader on your team to take this off your plate

No matter how amazing your team of copywriters, social media managers, tech VAs and customer service VAs are, they need a consistent leadership presence. They all need a day-to-day manager. 

At a certain point in your business that manager cannot be you.

Why? Because you have to focus on your genius, the things only you can do to make the business money. Most often that is some combination of marketing content, sales and or client delivery.

You need a point person on your team to protect you from the day-to-day so that your team is supported to do their best work, and you are freed up to do yours.

Business Challenge #2

“We need to grow our team but I have no time to hire or train.”

Solution: A leader on your team to take this off your plate

Hiring and onboarding and training are time-consuming. And when you urgently need more people to fill critical roles, it’s not uncommon to fast-track getting someone in place. Unfortunately, fast-tracking often creates more problems than it solves– because you said yes to the first OK candidate and couldn’t focus on setting the new team member up for success.

When you have a right-hand manager supporting your business, it drastically reduces your hiring & training time. Your role becomes final interviews only with the top candidates who have already been screened. Dreamy.

Bonus: when your new team member’s main point of contact from Day 1 has been your Operations leader, you don’t have to untangle yourself from that person's training and daily management because you were never their go-to - and that’s OK! (see point above)

Business Challenge #3

“There is no one else in the business who can think big picture and help me plan ahead.”

Solution: A planning expert on your team who can hold the vision

As an Operations leader, this is what I love most about my work with business owners. My role in my client’s businesses is to ensure all the right things are done daily while keeping an eye on and planning for the big picture.

My weekly meetings with clients are less about the daily details and more about business goals, strategies, and quarterly plans. It’s a deeply fulfilling partnership for me and very freeing for my clients.

Ready to implement the solution that addresses all of these business frustrations? I’d love to connect.

Meet Kiva Slade - the Founder and CEO of The 516 Collaborative. With a unique background in high-power politics on Capitol Hill and sixteen years as a homeschooling mama, Kiva found her calling in the online business world as a trusted guide for entrepreneurs looking to build the business of their dreams.

Kiva's work began behind the scenes, orchestrating the back end of businesses and managing teams. But her inner data diva couldn't help but notice that small businesses needed help harnessing the power of data for growth. So she and her team set out to uncover and tidy up the data required to enable clients to grow their businesses confidently and easily.